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Our WAC Weekend is a great opportunity to enjoy the beach, deepen relationships, and receive encouragement and input on evangelism from Julie-Anne Laird.

The venue is Inverloch Anglican Church, 4-6 The Crescent, Inverloch.


Julie-anne Laird is the Specialist Consultant of Evangelism & Mission and also serves as the Melbourne North Catalyst for City to City Australia. Julie-anne has a real heart for people to know Christ and would love to see real gospel movement across Australia and to see churches doing this better. She is also the Canon for Church Planting for the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.

For the last 20 years, she has worked with AFES helping students reach out to the Uni Campus in Melbourne. She is the Chair of Lausanne Australia and has been a Victorian Coordinator for Arrow Leadership for the last 14 years.

Julie-anne is married to Andrew and they have 4 young adult children who are only 5.5 years apart.


See file program details here.


No accommodation is included in the ticket costs. There is flexibility to organise your own accommodation, for example:

  • Booking a campsite or beach house
  • Joining with others to share an airbnb
  • Doing a day trip for the Saturday and/or Sunday


Adults                                        $60
Pensioners                                $40
Children (aged 5-18)               $20
Family (2 adults plus kids)    $150
Children under 5 years           Free

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